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Turkish Capital Opened to Foreign Countries in Investment!

The capital transferred to foreign countries for direct investment by the Turks, approached to one half of the incoming direct investment. While 7.9 million dollar was received as “net” in a month, the investments of the foreign investments of the Turkish businessmen came to 3.3 billion dollar.


ANKARA - In 2012, being the slowdown year in economy, capital export of the Turkish capital to foreign countries for direct investment accelerated. In the first ten years of the year, the direct investments of the Turks at abroad approached to one half of the foreign capital incoming to Turkey for direct investment.

According to calculations of DÜNYA on the basis of the data of balance of payments of the Central Bank, the foreigners brought 8 billion 324 million dollar capital to Turkey for their direct investment in the period of January-October. The incoming amount decreased by 31.6 percent if compared with the same period of the last year. In the same period, 350 billion dollar outflow was seen in the foreign capital direct investments. As a result, the net of the foreign capital inflow of this peculiarity, amounted to 7 billion 974 million with a decrease of 22.1 percent. In this period, the immovable purchases of the foreigners rose to 2 billion 145 million dollar with an increase of 23.3 percent and the amount of loan used by the companies with foreign capital from their foreign shareholders rose to 465 million dollar with an increase of 454 percent. With inclusion of them, the total net inflow of the foreign capital in the ten months actualized as 10 billion 584 million dollar with a decrease of 12.2 percent.

3.4 billion $ capital export as net in ten months


On the other hand, the Turkish investors transferred 3 billion 583 million dollar capital for their direct investors in various countries in the period of January-October. The said amount increased by 84.4 percent if compared with the same period of the last year. The foreign export to foreign countries within the scope of the direct investments exceeded the amount of the last year as a total. In the same period, return of 219 million dollar to Turkey was obtained from the direct investments in foreign countries. As a result, the net direct capital export of the Turkish entrepreneurs in the first ten months amounted to 3 billion 364 million dollar with an increase of 90.1 percent if compared with the last year.


According to it, the net direct investment to the foreign countries in the ten months came to 42.2 percent of the net of direct foreign capital amount of 7 billion 974 million dollar incoming to Turkey in the same period.