- Bor Gümrük
- Personal Data Protection
The information on how your personal data is processed by BOR GÜMRÜK is submitted under titles.
a) About the Data Authority
Your personal data will be possible to be processed within the scope of the Law on Personal Data Protection numbered 6698 ("Law") by the hand of Bor Gümrük Within the scope of the Law, Bor Gümrük is considered as the data authority.
b) Objectives of Processing of Your Personal Data
Your personal data are processed in accordance with the conditions on processing of personal data that are listed in articles 5 and 6 of the Law.
The objectives of the processing of your personal data include without limitation providing legal and commercial security of Bor Gümrük or the associates of Bor Gümrük, sustainability of the commercial operations of Bor Gümrük and management of the human resources and employment policies of Bor Gümrük.
All kinds of necessary technical and administrative measures are taken for avoidance of illegal processing of your personal data and illegal acces to your data and secure maintenance of your personal data.
c) Sharing of Your Personal Data
Your personal data will be possible to be shared with the shareholders, associates, suppliers, external service providers of Bor Gümrük and public institutions authorized by law in accordance with the conditions specified in articles 8 and 9 of the Law.
The objectives of the sharing of your personal data include without limitation providing legal and commercial security of Bor Gümrük or the associates of Bor Gümrük, sustainability of the commercial operations of Bor Gümrük and management of the human resources and employment policies of Bor Gümrük.
In case of sharing of your personal data, the necessary security measures are to be taken.
d) Methods of Collecting your Personal Data and the Relevant Legal Reasons
Bor Gümrük collects your personal data through surveys, web sites, Bor Gümrük representatives and similar various channels for sustainability of your activities and proces them with differing legal reasons in accordance with the conditions listed in articles 5 and 6 ıf the Law.
e) Your Legal Rights as to Your Personal Data
You are entitled to the following rights in relation to your personal data in accordance with the law:
- Learning whether personal data has been processed or not,
- If the relevant personal data has been procesed, requesting for the relevant information,
- Learning about the procesing objective of the personal data and whether they are used as fit for the objective,
- Being cognizant of the third persons within or out of the coutnry to whom the personal data are transfered,
- Requesting correction if the personal data has been processed deficiently or incorrectly,
- Requesting deletion or demolishing of the personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in article 7 of the Law,
- Requesting that the transactions performed in accordance with articles 5 and 6 are notified to the third persons to whom the personal data are transfered,
- Objecting to emergence of a result against the person himself by way of analysis of the data via automatic systems on a sole basis,
- Requesting for recovery of the damage if damage is incurred by reason of illegal processing of personal data.
In order to exercise your rights given above, you can make an application to Bor Gümrük in writing and you can send the relevant application to the address given below. If new application methods are determined by the Personal Data Protection Committee, such methods shall be announced by Bor Gümrük.
The applications that you will make within this scope will be finalized as soon as possible and within 30 days at maximum. The said applications are currently free of charge. If the Personal Data Protection Commitee establishes a wage tariff, the tariff will be taken as a basis for the waging.
f) Contact Information
In order to exercise the rights that have been given, you can send the Application Form given above including a detailed remark for your necessary identification information, the right that you wish to exercise and the subject matter of your request to the address given in the Application Form by registered and reply paid letter.